STOP: Broken neck? helmet sticker £1.95 (pair) plus P&P Yes, it's a grim sticker. No one wants to be reminded of the fact that motorcycling carries risks. But everything we do has inherent dangers, and we need to be aware of that fact. This particular risk concerns the dangers of removing a crash helmet at the scene of a road accident. Most "first responders" and even members of the public are pretty savvy about not making matters worse, but we ain't taking any more chances than we have to. Nor should you. Note: postage and packing is free when combined with other orders. Discount will be applied either automatically on purchase, or when we review the order. UPDATE: Concerns have been raised regarding helmet stickers. Some feel that the problem of further injury due to helmet removal (following an accident) is overstated—meaning that in some instances it might well be necessary to remove a lid to check if an injured rider is breathing or choking. We agree with that. Broadly. Our advice is to explore the variety of information before making a sticker purchasing decision. And maybe we should clarify a point; if a rider is lying in the road following a smash and is otherwise safe and comfortable, we suggest risking no further harm until a qualified (whatever that means) first responder is at the scene. We also suggest that riders should attend a suitable training course such as the Biker Down! scheme. Google it and see what's currently available. | 
Sump logo sticker 75p plus P&P This Sump logo is black and silver (as opposed to the more usual black and white). It's no big deal, but we tried both colours on our lids and bikes (and elsewhere), and we thought black and silver looked best. That's all. But you can stick 'em any place you like (and we mean that in the nicest possible way). They're made of vinyl, are 70mm wide, and will (a) help advertise your favourite web magazine, (b) will help remind you to come back soon and see what's new and what's been happening, and (c) will help you get rid of all that pocket metal you're carrying around. We're asking 75p each plus 50 pence postage and packing (but postage is free when combined with other orders). Okay? | |