Harley-DavidsonFLSTFB Fat Boy Lo2014 model. 103 cubic inch OHV air-cooled V-twin
Why you might like a Fat Boy Lo ...
Looks: 25 years in production must tell you something. Vibration: Engine counter balancer quells the worst of it. Wheels: Maintenance free "Bullet Hole" cast alloy discs. Saddle: Fat on comfort. You can sleep on it if you have to. Engine: Bomb proof 45-degree V-twin. Tried, tested, trusted. Torque: Masses of it for lazy, laid-back touring. Spares: Anything you want they got it right there in the USA. Tuning options: HDs are the best supported bikes on Earth. Depreciation: Fat Boys tend to hold their values well. Belt final drive: Smooth, clean, quiet, proven. Footboards: You'll be amazed at how they help on a trip. Presence: If you want to be king of the road, here's a throne. Six-speed gearbox/transmission: Think overdrive. Servicing: You'll never raise another spanner. It's dealer time. Seat height: Any lower, and you'll be on the deck. ABS: You'll be thankful for this the first time it kicks in. Security package: Handy electronic fob helps keep it safe. Hydraulic clutch: Reliable system. Smooth in operation.
... and why you might not like one
Price: £15,995. Weight: At around 650lbs (dry), these can break a man's back. Harley scene: It ain't for everyone. But it ain't compulsory. Fuel economy: Low at around 40mpg. Theft: Expect sleepless nights and peeks through the window. Poseur: Folk will think you bought it only to impress. Centre stand: Hasn't got one, and why would you want one? Cornering: It gets around them eventually. Handling: For want of a better way to express it... Rain: UK weather will cut your annual riding miles. Constant trade ups: HD men have nowhere else to go really. Footbrake: Pretty awful ergonomics. Gear lever/shifter: Pretty awful ergonomics. But kinda quaint. Forks: Way too soft for many riders. Softail rear: Adds extra weight to an already heavy bike. Denim paint: The matt finish needs special care or it'll shine.
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