Classic British Bike Magazine

Bowden cable repair kit

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Cable Repair Kit


Only £6.95

P&P £2.95




More than once we've had occasion to repair a broken Bowden cable at the roadside. Usually it's the clutch cable, but throttle cables have snapped too—and we've had problems with the advance and retard cable once or twice. Poor maintenance, you might say. And that's often the root of it. Then again, cables that look perfectly good do suddenly break, and there's not much you can do about it—except carry spares or a repair kit such as this.


Gear Gremlin is the manufacturer, and the firm appears to have got it pretty well sorted with a good selection of solderless nipples and a couple of lengths of Bowden cable. There are no promises that your particular problem will be solved with this kit at any particular moment. Keep that in mind. But if you ain't bought one and stashed it with your tools, you might never get to know.


Tip: Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and buy the kit.


Here's what's in the box

10mm diameter x 20mm solderless nipple
8mm diameter  x 12mm solderless nipple
5mm diameter  x 8mm solderless nipple
8mm diameter  x 14mm solderless nipple with sleeve and nut
7.8mm diameter x 9mm horizontal barrel nipple for 1.5mm diameter cable
7.8mm x 15mm shouldered horizontal nipple for 1.5mm diameter cable
3.5mm to 6mm brass steed sleeve nipple for 1.1mm cable
1.6 metres of 1.5mm diameter Bowden cable with a 3.5mm to 6mm stepped nipple on one end
1.6 metres of 1.1mm diameter Bowden cable with a 3mm nipple on one end

Note too that the kits are sometimes despatched to us in transparent containers, and sometimes in tins (see main illustration at the top of this page). It really depends on what's available at any particular moment.



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