
New H-D Discover More offer

17th February 2016


Harley-Davidson | Competition | Adventure tour


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Take a trip to your local Harley-Davidson dealer and you could find yourself taking another trip anywhere in the world. All you have to do is book a test ride on any of these touring motorcycles ...


Superlow 1200T
Heritage Softail Classic
Road King Classic (image above)
Street Glide Special
Road Glide Special
Ultra Limited


... then stick your name in a hat or a helmet and leave fate to do whatever it feels it has to do. It's all part of Harley-Davidson's ongoing Discover More marketing campaign to woo the likes of thee and we into the showrooms and give the salesmen a few precious minutes on the killing floor.


The trip, we understand, is good for two people on what we assume are two bikes. Certainly H-D talks about courtesy bikes, plural. But that could be interpreted as a series of bikes during one trip for a rider and pillion.


Here what H-D actually says:


"Take a test ride today and be in with a chance to win £5,000 to create your own dream touring adventure for two people anywhere in the world. We'll provide bikes for the duration of your trip. The only thing left to do is to plan your route… "


Keep that in mind if and when you take that test ride. And keep this in mind too, if you will. When you test ride a Harley-Davidson, you're expected to carry an insurance excess of up to £1,000. In other words, if you drop the machine and damage it, the first £1,000 is coming out of your pocket.


That's pretty normal industry practice. But some dealers of other marques mandate "only" a £500 excess. We think £1,000 or £500 is way too much. Consequently, we feel that dealers need to work out a by-pass system whereby riders who baulk at the excess risk can opt to pay a small insurance premium instead. Say £10, or whatever is agreeable.


However, when we last checked with various dealers (Harley-Davidson and otherwise), we were told that there's simply no demand for such a move. But in the following breath we were told by all dealers that riders "almost never" drop or damage test bikes.


And if that's true, why is a £1,000 excess necessary? Is it simply that the excess risk encourages more sensible riding? Or are motorcycle dealers simply over-sharpening their pencils? Or is there another angle that we haven't considered?



Either way, we suggest you carefully check the excess small print when you're test riding anything on two wheels. It cost could you all the deposit you've spent months saving, and more.


Beyond that, the odds of winning the "dream touring adventure" are way better than winning the national lottery. And who knows, you just might end up discovering what makes Harley-Davidsons pretty good fun.


Check the following disabled link to make a booking (we had good reasons for disabling it). So just cut and paste as you see fit:




Alternately, talk to your Harley-Davidson dealer. And make sure you check the small print.


Finally, you might want to check this link too:


Harley-Davidson Dream Job winner: Sump April 2015




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