June 2011       Classic bike news


Above: Does the world really need another variation on the Royal Enfield theme? Well, yes, actually. We'll take 'em any shape, size, or colour. This model is the firm's new cunningly-named Bullet 500. Fitted with RE's ultra lean-burning, 84mm x 90mm, unit construction, single-cylinder motor (c/w 5-speed gearbox), the bike also offers both electric and kick-starting. The price? £3995. The quality of these bikes is constantly improving. And the fuel consumption is still over 70mpg.

Bargain? We think so.



May 2011 Classic bike news

Lambeth Council redefines potholes

McQueen's Husky breaks auction record
New EC legislation threat to online
classic bike spares traders

Big Dog Motorcycles is bankrupt
Sheriff of Cambridge buys Hyde Harrier
Jubilee prototype

500,000th Hinckley Triumph arrives
Ultra rare AJS Porcupine heads for
Bonhams' Carmel Auction

Lambrettas back on the streets
The Norman Club is 10 years old
Electronic speedos and tachos from SRM
A Gagg & Sons is selling up
Cambridgeshire bike shop doubles as a
post office and grocery store

Cat & Fiddle cameras are switched on
Indian Motorcycle acquired by Polaris

April 2011 Classic bike news

£2 million netted by Bonhams at the 2011
Stafford Show

Judges throw out No To Bike Parking Tax case

Dymag relaunched

Tory MP moots dangerous and reckless
cycling law

Hailwood's TT Cromwell to be auctioned
Hobgoblin Enfield Bullet winner
New ethanol warning
T120, T140 & T160 clutch cush drive "rubbers" from Tony Hayward

MAG gets a grip
Harley-Davidson 883 SuperLow Sportster
gets a Watsonian chair

Two Norton racers added to
Bonhams' Quail Lodge auction

March 2011 Classic bike news

Kawasaki W800 suspension mods

Spring Veterama 2011

Cylinder Head Shop ties up with BLR
Engineering and G&S Valves

Francis-Barnett: The Complete Story
Bike death on Mike Hailwood memorial run
BSA A7, A10 & Ariel Huntmaster
dynamo belt drive kit

Captain America's chopper on the block
UK Government switches drink drive
emphasis to drugs

Shadows' bassist Jet Harris dies
Moto Guzzi celebrates 90th birthday
Pre-65 Motocross Club extra event
Electric bikes debut at the 2011
Red Marley Hill Climb

New rocker book from Mick Duckworth
Welcome to The Manor Cafe
Bristol cars go in administration
Battistinis Retro Revival
Steve McQueen bounds back on the big screen
1938 350cc Excelsior Manxman
sells for £26,640



February 2011 Classic bike news

Dave Degens at South of England Ardingly Classic Bike Show

Vinnielonglegs under the hammer

50 years of the Welsh Dragon Rally

Charge warning light driver

Round Kurland Latvian Rally

Mike Hailwood Memorial Run

Triumph Tiger 90 register

Crash Card launched at the Ace Cafe

VMCC raffles a T160 Triumph Trident for 2011

Harley-Davidson Sportster Custom

KLN 804, where are you?

Douglas: Light aero engines from Kingswood
to Cathcart

Bonhams' Paris Grand Palais
Auction draws near...

£144 Lucas ammeter on eBay. Sold!

BSA Golden Flash eBook from Sump


January 2011 Classic bike news

Record sales for Rolls Royce

1942 Royal Enfield WD/CO for sale on eBay

WW2 Waltham watch for sale

Steve McQueen Husqvarna for sale at Bonhams

New Royal Enfield V-twin denied

Carbon fibre T140/T120 frame

BSA-Indian bobber on eBay

VAT rise hides dealer price hike

Meriden blockade stepped up

Ealing to boot bikes from bus lanes?

Harley-Davidson share price rise

New Norvil Catalogue

Triumph leading UK big bike sales

Rare Megola heading for Bonhams' Grand Palais Paris auction

Draganfly John Bull knee grips & toolboxes

Hildebrand & Wolfmüller sells for a record $161,000 at Las Vegas

BSA Golden Flash eBook from Sump


December 2010 Classic bike news

$15,000 tin toys auctioned

Captain Beefheart 1941-2010

Two old Texans head for Bonhams' big one

Two more HD dealers hit the skids

Prince Charles: "I hate motorbikes"

1925 Brough Superior prototype set to smash marque auction record

Police supt changes speeding plea

UK blocks Euro wide motoring fines plan

"Select" MPs call for new drink driving purge

New old stock US container bonanza from Burton Bike Bits

US Government bailed out Harley with $2.3billion

April ‘Real Classic’ Malvern Classic Bike Show date change

Calling Panther owners...

Eight Vincents on offer at Bonham's 1st Las Vegas sale

Simulated riding research "shock"



November 2010 Classic bike news

Penning's Triumph?

Royal Enfield Fury set to launch

Roberto Rossi Rivale Bonneville

Amazing key fob camera

White line warnings

1926 Indian Scout tops Bonhams'
18th Harrogate sale

Zero emissions racer hits cyclist

Fall in London bus driver assaults

120,000 tons of Aussie salt on the way

Off duty New York cop shoots bike thief

Rare AMC Rickman Métisse auction

1929 Scott 3-speed Flyer TT Replica

Michelin wants its windows back, please

5p off Shell V-Power—for one day only

Stolen bike recovery rate falling

Accident Exchange

Royal Enfield and Watsonian Squire
are flying again

Bike theft risk

Douglas: The Complete Story

High level Hinckley Bonnie exhausts

The end for Pontiac

Oxford speed cameras back in the frame

Bonhams to auction rare Hildebrand
and Wolfmuller

Norvin cafe racer from Sump Magazine

October 2010 Classic bike news

Low sun warning from the IAM

"Plain clothed" traffic wardens

100,000 anti terror suspects stopped in 2009: zero arrests

Bud Ekins memorabilia auction

Brough Superior makes a record £286,000

Triumph 675R Daytona tank badge intrigue

Philip Hammond criticised over insensitive
suicide remarks

EC rejects ABS "switch off" option

100 Years of AA Ireland stamp issued

Norman Hyde triple pistons

Norvin cafe racer auction result

Quarter of a million pound Brough?

Dave Aldana's Rocket for sale

Andy Tiernan Air Ambulance calendar

Big UK freeze on the way

Helmut Fath's URS outfit sells for
£102,700 at Stafford

New sliding gear for BA or BAP gearboxes

Triumph Trident and BSA Rocket Three oil pumps from Hyde

AJS 7R & Matchless G50 looking for £25-£28k & £28k-32k, respectively

Triumph Tiger XC images released

2011 Adventure Travel Film Festival

Keis bodywarmer

Eric Patterson at the Ardingly Show

Motorcycle Action Group organising
mass lobby of Parliament

Tom Swallow James Comet for sale

Mayor Johnson launches
motorcycle safety campaign

Sussex Police on TV

2011 ABS Triumph Speed Triple

Bonham's £12,000-£16,000
1939 Triumph Tiger 100

Norman Wisdom 1915-2010

New driving test rules take effect

125p per litre petrol soon?

New Rocker culture book

Legendary 100 Club set to close

Cycle lobby to challenge motorcycle
bus lane access

M4 bus lane now open to cars

Norvin cafe racer to fetch £29,000?

1931 500cc Sunbeam Model 9 Plus

September 2010 Classic bike news

New VMCC Devon section proposed

Michael Scott Wade

Pensioner jailed for assaulting Hells Angel

Schwarzenegger signs noise emissions bill

Harley-Davidson extended warranty offer

Biker cleared of filming hystericalgun toting cop

New buckles from Chequered Flag

Thefts at Triumph Live

£33 billion road safety economy drive

Norfolk Speed Cameras "facing the axe"

The "sun shines down" on Netley

AJS-Matchless Calendar 2011

Morgan to build cycle cars again?

Biking Brigadier's charity appeal

Blueye eyewear

BSA kevlar clutch plate kit

Bedford is next to open bus lanes to motorcycles

Stolen 1931 Sunbeam Lion

Francis Barnett trademark for sale

'53 Squariel sells strong for £11,900 at
Bonham's Beaulieu

Friends of Speedway film appeal

Triumph - Britain's largest automotive

Ariel Square Four repro 'rods from Draganfly

3D Wonderbra distraction

Police predict a riot

Johnny "Chester" Dowling

Easy Rider special screening

Scottish police need help

Repro Triumph Speed Twin forks

1937 Stevens auctioned for £12,980

Police officer guilty of killing 60s pop star's son

Canadian optical "safety" illusion

1200cc shaft-drive Triumph spotted

Councils cut the streetlight budget

Real Classic sold to Mortons Media

Helmetless bike thief dies in smash

Triumph X-75 Hurricane at Cheffins

Rare 1932 Triumph XO?

Superbike magazine sold to Vitality Publishing?

Two killed at the Manx Grand Prix

Hinckley Bonnie wheels

Crash proof Volvo?

Ace Cafe Reunion

Bike Parking Tax demo

Velocette M Series

War Department's 1940's day

BSA M20 bobber

Norton Commando hits 129mph at
Bonneville Salt Flats

Matthew Dieckmann killed in bike/car crash


August 2010 Classic bike news

Schwarzenegger to rule on noisy bikes
Northamptonshire police compensation claims
Kawasaki W800 is rolling
Interesting helmet research
Ace Classics to race at Goodwood
Bikers carjack celebrity wife
Taxi driver wasn't dead
New Amal parts for monoblocs
Val Emery Decals
Cameron & Clegg scrap pub plans
England gets the thumbs up
RoSPA's Communiqué
Villiers book
New three cylinder Triumph engine confirmed
Road pricing survey results
Drag Bike Racing - from Veloce
Road sign cull
The Fabulous Teddys
Davida 92
Draganfly's new plunger tubes
ID Document Bill
Morton's picture archive online
MO1 magneto replacement
Eddie Crooks
Triumph & The Stranglers
Royal Enfield Pub opens
Peter Williams Autobiography
Helmut Fath's outfit auctioned
Sammy Miller bikes on the block
8 Vincents auctioned
New V5Cs
TR3OC Breakfast
"Lewis Leathers" Enfield Bullet


Classic Bike Events

Don Godden:



We've only just heard the news about grasstrack racer, engineer, and businessman Don Godden who died on May 28th this year—but that doesn't mean we can't give him a belated mention.


We first met Don more than 20 years ago, and the man was nothing if not interesting, amusing, generous and a gentleman. He began grass track and long track racing way back in 1953, and spent over two decades in the saddle notching up victory after victory and winning dozens of awards including three British 500cc titles and the 1969 European Long Track Championship.


In 1958, Don founded Godden Engineering and quickly built a reputation for its high-quality speedway and grass track-framed racers powered by JAP engines. When JAP could no longer cut it (or was not prepared to invest further in a diminishing market), Don worked with Weslake and helped develop a four-valve, 500cc single that was to the seventies was JAP was to the fifties and sixties.


When the Weslake tie-up soured, Don developed his own 500cc GR500 engine which became the basis of a successful 1000cc V-twin sidecar racing powerplant.


Kent-based Godden Engineering employee, Gary Drake, bought the business in 2003. Following his "retirement", Don kept busy working as an advisor and honorary ambassador for the sport. It's said that his funeral, on June 14th, was attended by over 400 friends and fans.


In his day, Don was unquestionably one of the best of his breed, a man who understood the mechanics of grass track and long track racing as well as he understood the methods. He was 72.


— The Third Man



Ted Simon



It's been a long time coming (38 years actually), but now that it's here, it seems like the obvious move forwardand long overdue. It's the Ted Simon Foundation; named after one of biking's best known globetrotters, not that Ted would ever call himself a biker. But in view of the fact that back in 1973 he rode around the planet on a 500cc ex-police Triumph Tiger 100 (and wrote a much loved book called Jupiter's Travels), a lot of people would disagree.


Regardless, the foundation will officially be launched on 6th October 2011, which will mark the 38th anniversary of the start of the original global trek. But the website's up and running, and you can take a peek now.


What's it all about? It's about pooling information and knocking down national fences and promoting world understanding, etc. Sounds dull? Well take a look before you write it off, especially if you're a traveller yourself and want to network with other people of a similar bent.


If you want to attend the launch, you'll have to pootle along to the Coventry Transport Museum, and you'll need to book sooner rather than later if you want to ensure a place. See the website (below) for details.


Meanwhile, check out our Ted Simon page for more on one of the most intrepid travellers (in various senses of the word) of our age. There's a lot more to Ted than most people realise.



— Girl Happy


Norman Vanhouse 1916-2011


The late Norman Vanhouse (pictured left, with Fred Rist and Brian Martin) was laid to rest on 2nd June 2011 at Robin Hood Crematorium, Shirley, Birmingham.


Born in 1916, Norman spent 35 years in motorcycle competitions and experimental departments before joining BSA in 1952 as a sales representative. Throughout his life, Norman was a significant competitor in motorcycle sporting events winning over 150 awards, notably for hill climbs and trials.


But perhaps his greatest claim to fame was being part of the 1952 International Six Days Trial team that won both the Team Award and captured the coveted Maudes trophy.


Riding 4500 miles from Birmingham to Vienna, then through Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, the 500cc BSA A7 team—which included Brian Martin and Fred Rist—put on a faultless performance and returned safely to Birmingham, thereby securing the Val Page, Herbert Perkins and David Munro-designed parallel twins' reputation as a competent, reliable, all-weather tourer.


Norman, who had seen active service with the British Army riding (notably) BSA M20s, later published a book entitled BSA Competition History, a down-to-earth. amusing and highly insightful tome that's still available through various online and offline outlets, and of course autojumbles.


Norman Vanhouse will be missed.

— Del Monte




Romney Marsh Bikejumble

Okay. Here's the pitch. It used to be the Hamstreet Bike Show, and now it's the Romney Marsh Bikejumble—which makes it the same, but different, and bigger and better.


It's on this Sunday 3rd July 2011, and you can find it all happening from 10.00am at Marsh Road, Hamstreet, Kent TN26 2JD (A2070 6 miles M20 J10).


So toddle along there and watch motoball, and enter your bike in the prize-giving, and stuff your face, and drink whatever you feel like drinking, and generally do what ya gotta do. The point is, it's a decent show and still building, and the days are already getting shorter and you ain't getting any younger.


There's a motorcycle only jumble, by the way, and there will be plenty of clubs and whatnot. What more do you want on a bloody Sunday?


More details on: 01797 344277


— Dexxion




"2000 visitors" at Enfield weekend


Royal Enfield importers Watsonian-Squire are said to be highly chuffed about the attendance at their recent Open Weekend on 25th-26th June 2011 at the Watsonian-Squire factory in the Cotswolds.


Two thousand visitors, we hear, turned up to enjoy a couple of days of chin-wagging, curry-eating, drinking, tyre-kicking—and, of course, test-riding RE's range of 500cc Bullets, with a new variant being launched at the event and priced at £3995.


Special guests included motorcycle adventurer, author and Royal Enfield expert Gordon May, and ISDT gold medallist Johnny Brittain. Meanwhile, the Motorcycle Action Group, were busy drumming up support for their Get a Grip campaign (see Sump April).

Prizes were awarded for the best motorcycles ridden to the factory which included the above rare 1953 Royal Enfield Meteor twin owned for fifteen years by Mark Mumford and said to be painted in a fetching shade of Dulux/Great Western Railway brown. Vive le difference, etc.


— Del Monte




"Gold Star number one" on eBay

It's on the eBlock now (Wednesday 27th June 2011) and has six days to run. The seller is claiming it's the first production M24 Gold Star built way back in 1938, and he’s got "a certficate signed by John Gardiner who was a Technical Adviser to the BSA owners club who actually owned a 1938 Goldie."


We're not arguing about the provenance. We'll take that at face value (although the details certainly warrant closer consideration). We're just marvelling at the auction start price of AU $288,888—which converts to £150,462. The bike is said to be unrestored and unmolested (nothwithstanding a touch-up brush on a few scratches), and was allegedly first sold on 15th February 1938 by Bennet & Wood, Birmingham.


The first owner was a Mr Rogers (no Christian name given), who passed it down to his son Malcolm, affectionately known as Curley. Hidden (or overlooked) during WW2, the 500cc, race-ready, all-aluminium single "resurfaced" in 1955 and again in 1994 (when Curley died). The current owner states that the engine (number: JM 24 101) was "glued" solid with hardened Castrol R, but after sympathetic rebuilding, it's in full working order and ready to rock'n'roll.


If you want to buy it now, the price is AU $248,888. Unrealistic? Cheap? A misplaced decimal? A bitsa?


Fact is, the blue-chip classic bike market has never been stronger (particularly with regard to pre-war exotica), and continues to surpriseand there's no doubt that this one will raise a lot of eyebrows. But if you're looking for top dollar, is eBay the right place to offload a machine like this (assuming it's genuine)? We've got our doubts and wonder what Bonhams would have to say about this one.


— The Third man



Ugly Fish biker specs from Down Under


Okay. There are already thousands of  makes and style of shades on the market. You're pretty much stuck for choice. But getting the right ones ain't always easy, especially if you ride a bike and want to keep the windblast and road grit out of your swollen peepers.


These shades are from Ugly Fish and have removable arms allowing you to strap 'em on instead. And they've got gasket thingies on the inside to seal you in. They're said to be Australia's leading brand, and they've passed all the usual safety and UV standards, or so we're told.


Prices are from around forty quid to sixty-five quid depending on what "package" you buy (various lenses, etc). Strap, gasket and hard case is included. Check 'em out.



— Girl Happy



£45,600 for a British Anzani
V-twin engine

Is this a record price? We don't know for sure. But it seems likely. Bonhams estimated it to sell at between £10,000 and £15,000. And Bonhams is usually pretty accurate. But this time, their expectations were (pleasantly) shattered when a buyer stumped up over forty grand.


The 1098cc eight-valve lump was sold at Bonhams' Third Annual Sale of Collectors Motorcycles held on 18th June 2011 alongside the VMCC's Banbury Run. The auction house turned-over £427,500, with 85% of lots sold.

Other notable sales include:


A circa 1950 Vincent 998cc Black Shadow/Rapide at £31,050; a 1952 Vincent 499cc Comet at £10,350, a 1949 Vincent-HRD 500cc Meteor at £11,500; a 1966 Velocette 499cc Thruxton at £18,400, and an unrestored circa 1919 Triumph 550cc Model H at £7,475.


But if you want an investor tip for the future, Bonhams is looking very closely at BMW.

— Del Monte



Road Safety Minister Penning launches new "Think!" initiative


According to Mike Penning, nine bikers were killed in the UK each week during 2009 (the last year for which reliable figures are available, we're told). These numbers, although relatively low, and generally falling, have nevertheless got successive governments in a lather. Why? Because motorcycles make up only one percent of UK traffic, yet account for twenty percent of fatalities; a hugely disproportionate statistic.


Mike's remit as Road Safety Minister is to get those numbers down, hence a new Think! campaign unveiled on June 17th 2011. Sounds good in principle. And Mike, being a biker, no doubt has his heart in the right place. So we're not complaining per se—except that it seems we're hearing a lot of government propaganda these days about bike safety which might well be the prelude to a new round of "anti-bike" legislation, perhaps in the form of compulsory daytime lights, mandatory reflective clothing, more restrictive access for learner riders, and even power limits.


No, we've heard nothing specific. But clearly the government bean counters are hard at work trying to get healthcare/accident costs down, and it might well be that rider accident figures have pretty much reached the practical baseline—until, that is, automatic bike-recognition devices are fitted as standard into cars, if they ever are fitted (and if they ever actually work).


Which, arguably, might leave the government with "little option" but to target the victims of motoring stupidity rather than tackle the perpetrators.


That, at least, is so often government thinking—and new legislation is, after all, generally cheaper than putting more coppers on the streets, or funding high-profile road safety campaigns.


So what can you do about it? Not a lot, except watch out for those first rumblings of approaching "anti-bike" legislation and react accordingly. The current road safety programme is laudable. But you can be sure that the government is going to want a return for its money.


Think bike!

Think car!

Think government!

— The Third Man



Draganfly's 35th birthday

Draganfly Motorcycles has to be one of the greatest successes in the classic bike world in terms of enthusiasm, service, customer respect, and plenty of quality parts for Ariels and BSAs.



The company has just celebrated its 35th birthday, which is no small milestone. We prefer to write our own copy for Sump news features. But in this instance, we're happy to let Draganfly tell you in their own words what all the fuss is about. Happy birthday, guys.


"Thirty five years ago this August Roger Gwynn began Draganfly Motorcycles. The summer of ’76 saw the beginning of a business that started with a vague plan, no real capital and crumbling premises. More than three decades  and a 100 mile move later ‘Drags’ is a specialist company delivering parts (and advice) worldwide.


Roger only knew that he wanted to work for himself, having had trouble fitting into moulds in ‘conventional’ jobs, and that he wanted to work with bikes. He also wanted to become synonymous with some facet of motorcycles, to be the company to go to - what for, hadn’t been decided yet. He had £400 from the insurance his stolen Triumph had afforded him and a lock-up shop due for demolition. This, combined with the fact that he had no other ideas of what to do with his time, eventually led to the Draganfly Motorcycles we know today.


“This is where I hoped we would be” says Roger “We’ve got the balance of small family business and world domination just right! I don’t want us to get much bigger!”. On his nickname ‘the Ariel guru’ he is a little sheepish – “it’s flattering when people know who you are and what you do, but when you’re introduced to new people like that it can be a bit embarrassing!”


"When asked about high points in the company’s history he responds immediately with “marrying my wife Janet” - who now works at Draganfly too - “she showed me that I could leave work before 10pm and still keep the shop going!” And in all the 35 years not one employee of Drags has had a serious accident on their motorbike. One broke their arm, one broke their clutch lever arm and Roger hit a manhole at 20 mph and bumped his head. Storeman Mick did have an altercation with a large white van which ran over his BSA WM20 but thankfully he jumped off quickly enough to escape damage himself.


"And low points? “When we had to move premises in the early days. We spent three months with our stock and equipment in someone else’s premises without their knowledge so we couldn’t do any business for all that time, but had no other choice! They didn’t want to sign their lease and were stalling as they were in liquidation but the estate agents took pity on us and gave us the keys anyway.”

"Over three decades later business is still booming - despite the recession it is clear that people still have a passion for vintage bikes and Draganfly looks set to continue for many years to come. Roger’s son Iain has just become a partner in the business, replacing brother Graham who has just retired after 33 years. He hopes to update the old computer system and improve speed of supply among other things, while retaining Draganfly's friendly traditional service."



— Del Monte



Andover Norton Commando production racer head steady


It's £145 plus VAT. That's the important bit out of the way. Andover Norton say that this little doo-dah replaces the cylinder head isolastic top mount on all Commandos and is shim-adjustable in various planes for ease of installation. It's made of zinc-plated steel with a machined aluminium alloy clamp. If you've got a Commando, you'll know exactly what this is all about. If not, don't fret.


Check their site for more info. That's it. Buy, or don't buy.





Roy Bacon dating certificates doubts

We've been alerted to the fact that classic bike dating expert Roy Bacon is no longer contactable at his previous address of:
Roy Bacon, PO Box 3, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 2AS. Moreover, the telephone number we had on file for Roy is no longer in operation.


Roy certainly is still on the island. We checked with a couple of local post offices—one of which knows Roy very well—and they confirmed that he had indeed moved. But it's not clear if he's still offering dating certificates for classic bikes. If anyone out there can furnish any other information, we'll be glad to hear it. But as it stands, it looks like Roy's off the grid.

— Girl Happy



New T120 & T140 pistons from Norman Hyde


Okay. Here's the story.
Ex-Meriden Development Engineer and Trident specialist, Norman Hyde,
has commissioned a batch of pistons for 650cc and 750cc Triumph Bonnevilles.


They're also available in + .020" and + .040" oversizes, and are designed to offer standard compressions of 9:1 (T120s) and 8.5:1 (T140s).


However, keep in mind that most T140s are probably running slightly lower compression engines at between 7.5:1 and 7.9:1 to cope with lower octane fuels, etc. So talk to Norman about this if you've got any concerns. Chances are, of course, that Norman's already considered this, but it pays to check.


Kits include a pair of pistons, rings and circlips. The price is £151.99 which includes UK VAT. Overseas customers can get them for £125.99



— Del Monte


First Daventry Motorcycle Festival

The first Daventry Motorcycle Festival attracted 130 machines to the Northamptonshire town's centre on Saturday 21 May 2011. The event was organised by Daventry Business Partnership supported by the Vintage MCC and Vintage Japanese MC to raise the town's business profile.

DBP general manager Sally Halson said: “We were very pleased with the attendance, both from motorcycle enthusiasts and the general public. We aimed to keep this first event fairly low key so that we could understand the needs of those attending better and address any shortcomings before going larger next year (19 May 2012) with local dealers and other exhibitors. We are planning trade stands, a parade, and entertainment linked to motorcycles such as simulators and motorcycle fashion.”

For further trade details on next year's event contact:


— The Third Man



Travelling with
Mr Turner


Look, we haven't actually seen this book, but we're happy to give it a plug, anyway.


It's evidently one of those off-the-wall tomes in which Nigel C Winter, riding a modern Triumph, takes a "personal" road trip from Lands End to John o'Groats following in the tracks of Meriden Triumph supremo Edward Turner—who needs no further introduction here (but there's a link somewhere on this page if you're new to the classic scene).


Turner's riding a Triumph Terrier (which he designed), and the pair mark riding time by examining their respective social histories. It's not clear where fact and fiction meet, or where and when their world's collide. But it'll no doubt all become clear as the pages turn.


Sounds like an unlikely premise, but these quirky, shoot-from-the-hip books often work and give you a whole new perspective on the established orthodoxy. Looked at another way, it's a sidelong glance at the "post-war rock'n'roll years" when Triumph ruled and could do no wrong.


Anyway, if you're interested, pop along to Panther Publishing and check out the official blurb. The book's 166 pages with 30 photos. The price is a modest £9.99 with free UK postage.

— Del Monte





▲ Top


Classic bikes for sale

Cafe Racer T-shirt:
Vivo ergo veho

(I think, therefore I ride)


£15.99 plus P&P

[for details, click here]



Copyright Sump Publishing 2010