
BMW Sport helmet recall

27th November 2015


Sport | EC standard | Full face | ID 059241/P


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BMW Sport helmet recall

Yes, we know the lid is flashing and doing animated things, etc. We did that on purpose because over-reaction is evidently where it's at these days, and we wanted to go with the flow and get all excited and hot under the collar and neurotic, etc.


What's happened is that someone has recently noticed that the BMW Sport full-face helmet above doesn't fully meet the mandated EC standard, so they're all being recalled, trashed and replaced. "Better safe than sorry", you might say. But the odds are that the specific error is either technical or insignificant, or both, which means that a lot of otherwise perfectly good equipment is being wasted.


BMW itself says that there's no safety risk to users. On the other hand, the move gives dealers a chance to up-sell customers with something else, so maybe there's more to this than we realise. The recall applies only to the Sport model marked: ID 059241/P. So if you've got one, or just think you've got one, talk to your dealer. Just remember to remove the lid with oven gloves, pack securely in a lead box, mark it HIGHLY DANGEROUS, and have it returned under armed guard. Why take chances when you don't have to, huh?



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