Dozy Givi camera bag15th November 2015 £36.24 | Motorcycle | Luggage | Tank bag ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► 
Here's a brainless idea from Givi. It's a tank-top camera bag with the legend CAMERA BAG printed on the side in bold type. You can use this piece of loony luggage as a shoulder bag too, but it will still be telling the neighbourhood pond life that you're carrying equipment that could be valuable and is easily transportable. In fact, Givi has even supplied the bloody bag. What it ought to have written on the side is VERY UNSTABLE DYNAMITE; STAND CLEAR. Or AIDS INFECTED BODY PARTS. Either of those is safer than CAMERA BAG. But did Givi figure it out? Apparently not. The firm toted this idea all the way from concept to shop display. And beyond. Still, if you want this T508 mugger bag made from 600D polyester with polyurethane reinforcements, talk to your Givi dealer. The suggested retail price is £36.24. And while you're there, ask about any Givi carriers with ROLEX WATCH COLLECTION printed on the side or COMPANY PAYROLL STASH. Gotta be a big demand for those. ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► | MOTORCYCLE NEWS - LATEST!!
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