Motorcycle news 29th January 2016 Product news | Road tests | Bike reviews ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► Got any motorcycle news? Since 2010, Sump has been busy covering news and reviews from the classic bike world. But more recently, we've expanded our remit to cover contemporary bikes. Why? Because many of you Sumpsters ride both oily old heaps and modern motorcycles (we carried out a survey, don't ya know?). And more to the point, we ride old and modern bikes too and there's plenty of crossover. 
We're already pretty effective at gathering motorcycle news worldwide. Hour-by-hour we trawl the media and the world wide web looking at interesting and relevant info. We study and decode the latest press releases. We check the bulletins. We field telephone calls from supporters and informers. We talk to manufacturers, importers, dealers, and Joe (& Josephine) Biker, and then we present the information in the most thoughtful, intelligent, incisive, original and entertaining way we can. But we can always use a little more intel. So if you're in the motorcycle trade, or in a motorcycle club, or if you're just an average guy or girl like us, we'd like to know what you know, and then share your biking information with everyone else.
If you take a quick tour of Sump, you'll get our wavelength soon enough. We're not much interested in mere rumour, gossip, sensationalism or tittle-tattle. There's already enough of that on the world wide web. But we're very interested in that left-field grey area where biking and cultural happenings of the last half century or so overlap. We like political stories (once again, especially where it overlaps biking). We're also interested in general legal updates, industrial developments, road safety alerts and ... well, you get the idea. We also like to hear reviews of bikes, equipment, accessories and places. Just a few lines on an email will do it, or maybe a little more if tyou've come over all literary. And if you're promoting a motorcycle event of any kind, or developing a new product, or struggling with a biking business, fire off an email to: and we'll do what we can to help fight your corner. Just ensure that you give us all the detail;. i.e. who, what, when, where, how, and why. You tell us, we'll tell the world. Pictures or graphics are always welcome. But if not, we can handle that ourselves. Mostly, we just want you to tip us the wink. And if we've got the story wrong (and it happens, brother), let us know and we'll fix whatever needs fixing. It's said that no news is good news. However, in our line of business, that's simply not true, is it? So let's hear whatever you've got. ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► | MOTORCYCLE NEWS - LATEST!!
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BSA Golden Flash eBook. £4.99.