
Victory Mustang saddle

18th July 2016


Heated seat | £920 | Optional back rest | Bagger


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Victory Motorcycles Mustang heated saddle


Mustang Motorcycle Seats reckons that its "Heated One-Piece Touring Seat offers significant improvements over the stock saddle on Victory’s luxury touring model." We'll believe 'em if you will. And certainly, the saddle looks pretty decent. However, the suggested retail price is—ouch!—currently £920. So what do you get for that? Well, you get a wider bucket front and rear (so to speak), and you get a slightly lower riding position.


Heated saddle for Victory baggers


If you're male, you might also appreciate the fact that design has been altered at the front of the saddle to make it feel "less crowded". There's also an optional height-adjustable backrest for the rider, and there's a heated element built-in that offers high/low dual control for him and her, or her and him, or whoever and whoever.


It's hard to see the best part of a thousand quid here. But if you can afford a Victory bagger (currently priced at somewhere between £16,000 and £20,000), another grand on a replacement perch probably won't make too big a hole in too many pockets.





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