Cyril Huze Post 26th July 2016 Custom bike builder | Cyril Huze Custom Inc ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► 
Cyril Huze is a Frenchman who emigrated to the United States of America in 1987 and consolidated his move by becoming a US citizen. He was raised in Paris, France. His professional background is in advertising and marketing in which he handled the budgets of multi-national firms such as McDonalds, 3M, Hertz, Smith-Kline and Volkswagen. He was raised in the 1970s, and from an early age developed a passion for American motoring culture, specifically that of the 1950s and 1960s which he regards as the zenith of automotive expression. In his heart, he was a rebellious rock'n'roller with a passion for custom bikes. And so in 1978, following a trip to the USA, Huze made the decision to relocate. And within a decade, he was established and began building motorcycles.
He's since been recognized as a top custom bike builder and currently charges anything from $80,000 - $100,000 per bike. He also owns and runs Cyril Huze Custom Inc and designs and distributes custom motorcycle accessories. He lives in works in Boca Raton, Florida. He's a fan of (not necessarily in this order); The Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, U2, Renoir, Michelangelo, '49 Mercs, Harley-Davidson Panheads, French and Italian food. In 2006, he reasoned that it was time to diversify. A recession was imminent, and he wanted to get above the wave rather than beneath it. Having already had experience in journalism writing for motorcycle magazines, he made the decision to create an online custom bike blog for V-twin aficionados. Within a year, he claims, he had the largest following of any related website or magazine. 
Today, he quotes monthly unique visitor numbers of 335,000. It's an untested claim, but he certainly has a large internet following. His blogging style is unflashy, and he avoids wit. His writings include posts on new V-twins, V-twin parts, motorcycle art, recall notices, custom bike builders, general industry news, bike shows and suchlike. It isn't all V-twins, mind. He'll cover pretty much anything that's interesting and has connections (loosely or otherwise) to the custom and even classic bike scene. He has staying power too, and his posts tend to be longer rather than shorter, and intelligent and incisive. If you're a V-twinner, especially a Harley-Davidson, Indian or Victory rider, Cyril Huze is worth checking out. UPDATE: Cyril Huze died in May 2018. ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► | MOTORCYCLE NEWS - LATEST!!
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