Hagon shocks and wheels10th January 2016 Suspension | Wheel building | Fork springs ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► 
Hagon has been around for so long that it's easy to take the firm for granted. The business was created by well-respected grasstrack and drag racer Alf Hagon, and is currently managed by his son, Martin. Alf Hagon made his name and racing reputation back in the 1960s. Martin Hagon raced too. He was a very active and successful competitor in the 1980s and 1990s. Currently operating from an industrial unit in Hainault, Essex, Hagon picked up where Girling left off and bought the original shock-absorber/damper tooling and then redeveloped it for their own needs. Hagon shocks are virtually identical to Girling units, but carry thicker springs and are generally updated in numerous ways (materials, seals, etc). And although you might run into problems fitting Hagon units into original classic shock-absorber shrouds (due to thicker springs), Hagon will sell you new/larger diameter shrouds to suit their shocks. The firm also offers a comprehensive wheel building service for wire wheels, with a wide choice of rims, spokes and sizes. And if your cast wheels need repairing, Hagon can probably deal with that too. Fork springs? No problem. Hagon has a range of springs for most of the major classics, and the company can offer progressively wound springs to upgrade your classic ride. The 15-strong business is very much hands on with time-served staff dealing quickly and competently with pretty much whatever you throw at 'em. The company understands the needs of racing, and it understands your needs on the street. And if your bike is running a monoshock unit, Hagon can deal with this too.
This is a great British firm with established distributors around the world from Finland to New Zealand, and from the Czech Republic to Hong Kong. All Hagon products are assembled in the UK, and the vast majority of components are also sourced right here in Britain. Hagon might not be offering high-end shocks, wheels and suspension. Nevertheless, it's all good quality stuff, very competitively priced with a two year unlimited mileage guarantee. Put simply, Hagon will put exactly the right amount of bounce back into your bike, and will keep those hoops turning whatever your needs. We can recommend this company. www.hagon-shocks.co.uk ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► |