
Knox Handroid 3.0 gloves

31st May 2016


Scaphoid protection | Kangaroo leather 


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These are particularly ugly gloves. So okay, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, etc. But you'd have to be totally blind and dead to see these as anything attractive. Then again, to us, 99 percent of pretty much everything is pretty ugly, and that don't stop people from buying it. So the chances are that there will be a long queue of folk standing in line waiting to stuff their mitts in a pair of these. But we won't be among them. They're made by Knox, and Knox calls them Handroids. Like androids, presumably. The first Handroids appeared in 2009, and these are version 3.0.


You get Japanese analine leather here and there. You get kangaroo leather on the palm, which also benefits from the "Patented Scaphoid Protection System (SPS)". Hmm. Lots of thought and effort has, apparently, gone into stitching all the fiddly bits. There is some "exo-skeletal" business going on. The gloves carry a CE certificate. And... well, the price is £169.99 (including VAT). The sizes are XS - XXL. The colours are said to be Black, White, Red and Black/White. But we can see some yellow going on here. So what's happening? Knox should explain.


On a more serious note, these are no doubt technically fantastic, etc. Knox has probably thought more about these gloves than we've ever thought about anything. And if you've already got a multi-coloured bike, and multi-coloured leathers, and a multi-coloured lid, and a multi-coloured mind, these Handroid gloves will probably not look out of place. But don't blame us if people snigger.


Meanwhile, we're sticking to our black jackets, black bikes, black lids, black gauntlets and black humour. There's enough bloody colour in the world without us adding to it.


Call Knox on 01900 825825 or visit www.planet-knox.com for details.





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