Porsche 618 electric bike21st April 2017 911 inspired | Miguel Angel Bahri | Concept ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► 
Spanish designer Miguel Angel Bahri is the man responsible for this new Porsche concept bike. It's called the 618, and like most two-wheeled modern concepts, it's electric. And naturally, it draws inspiration from the established and classic Porsche 911 family of cars. There are few details with the press release. But we do know that features include hub-centre steering, a luggage compartment (where the petrol tank would normally be located), an onboard GPS device, and the usual bells and whistles intended to make this motorcycle internet ready, etc. 
Why the hell anyone wants to have the internet intruding into their, ahem, private riding moments we don't know. Neither do we know if this bike has actually been built, or if it exists only on a hard drive or inside someone's cranium. But we suspect the latter. 
Problem is, you can quickly tire of this kind of stuff. It might be the future of biking, but the "what if" mindset is wearing thin, and we're desperately trying to stay focussed on the "now". And that's about all we've got to say about this one. It's time for a snooze... ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► |