Vozz UK helmet launch28th June 2017 Vozz | Helmets | Revolutionary | Motorcycle ◄PREVIOUS STORY NEXT STORY► 
Sump Motorcycle News December 2015 reported on the development of these revolutionary Vozz crash helmets. Well, a UK distributor has now taken on the product and will be campaigning them as from this month (June 2017). That company is Manchester-based Helmet 28 Ltd. George Richardson is the managing director. Said Richardson, "The last few years have seen us move from strength to strength, and now with the addition of Vozz we feel it cements our position as one of the leading automotive distributors across Europe. Vozz is the first helmet in our product line and we couldn’t have asked for a better fit. Vozz and Helmet 28 share a huge amount in terms of our outlook and values; we are both looking at the industry and thinking how we can shake things up for the better!" So much for the propaganda. But in case you're still in the dark about what makes these lids so special, it literally hinges on the fact that the helmet splits front to back. In other words, the rear section is first positioned on your noggin, and then the front half is locked into place. That, we understand, provides a significantly more snug fit than traditional helmets—and without the use of a chin strap. And note that "snug" means more secure in the event of an impact. Additionally, in the event of an accident, the front part of the lid can be safely opened (via the Safety Release Systems (SRS) leaving the rear portion to maintain that all-important neck support. 
Richardson added, "We truly believe we are looking at the next big innovation in the motorcycle industry that will make an impact comparable to that of Dyson or Apple in the coming years." Dyson? Isn't that the British egghead bloke who makes those awful looking vacuum cleaners and ultra-noisy hand dryers as found in motorway rest stops? Vozz Helmets, we hear, meet ECE and DOT standards and are supplied with an 80% tinted approved visor as standard plus a carry bag and an instruction manual [Instruction manual? They'll be organising university courses next - Ed]. So where can you buy these lids? That's not clear yet, so you might want to email George who is also organising a series of ‘Try Before You Buy’ ride out days. Certainly the concept is interesting. And we might have misunderstood exactly how you're supposed to fit one of these. Either way, crash helmets appear to be getting bigger and bigger these days, and it can only be a matter of time before they're as large as a motorcycle—possibly needing an extra two wheels to keep 'em stable, and maybe a steering wheel up front. That aside, we'll be watching these to see how well these helmets sell. But what about the price? We don't know yet. Seems that George forgot to tell us. Or maybe that's still being worked out. www.helmet28.com www.vozz.co.uk