
Nuviz HUD claims a first

18th August 2017


Heads-Up Display | Full face crash helmets


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Nuviz HUD system


The device (above) is claimed to be the world's first Head-Up Display (HUD) designed "specifically for the needs of motorcycle riders". The manufacturer tells us that the gizmo will fit into any full-face crash helmet and provide "customisable information" on the move such as ... well, such as a rolling road map, actually.


As you ride along, the optical thingy projects an image or series of images 13-feet (4 metres) in your line-of-sight. An onboard GPS chip tells you where you are, how fast you're travelling, and when you need to turn right or left, etc. You can "intuitively" access the functions via a wireless controller that can be mounted somewhere convenient on the bike, or possibly on the person.


Nuviz HUD system and motorcyclist


Additionally, you can receive messages, indulge in phone calls, "enjoy" constantly updated info on driving conditions, play music, video your journey—and add voice annotation—thereby enhancing your riding experience.


It's Bluetooth friendly. All the (zoomable) maps you need are included in the package. The camera is rated at 8MP. The HD video recorded up to 1080p/30fps. And an ambient sensor adjusts the brightness of the projection for daylight or night travels.


The price is £615.


Nuviz HUD controller


Chances are we'll eventually come to accept and even enjoy this kind of technology. But right now, as of 18th August 2017, we'd stick this gadget straight in the trash. When we're out on the road, we want to see nothing but the road, the scenery, the oncoming traffic and whatever's going on in our heads. What we don't want is any kind of high-tech fighter pilot distraction; not at this price, and not at any price.


And whatever the manufacturer claims, the more information coming at you, the harder it will be to process everything else that's going on. Maybe the human brain will simply expand to handle all this. But right now, just thinking about it gives us a headache.


However, plenty of guys and girls will probably want this, so they'll be pleased to hear that there's a 30-day returns policy, and the unit comes complete with a one-year warranty and free shipping.


As for NUVIZ, it's is a privately-owned technology company based in San Diego, California and in Salo, Finland. The firm, we understand, is backed by a strategic investment from Pierer Industrie AG, the parent company behind KTM Industries, Husqvarna Motorcycles, WP Suspension and Pankl Racing Systems.


None of that, however, does anything to make us like this product. We just feel that we need this as much as we need a flat tyre.




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