
HJC Black Panther helmet

22nd April 2018


Carbon fibre | Marvel hero | Oxford products


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HJC RHPA 70 Black Panther crash helmet


We have to confess, we don't really know who the hell the Black Panther is. That's largely because these days there are so many super heroes crawling, flying, bouncing, buzzing and crashing around the movies, TV shows, pop videos and magazines that we've lost track.


It was simpler in our day. Way back then you had only Superman and Batman to worry about—and, of course, the Legion of Super Heroes, and the Justice League of America members, and okay, the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, and Captain Marvel, etc [Don't forget The Atom and Marvelman - Ed]. The point is, there are so many more heroes these days, and we can't keep up with the parade.


But helmet manufacturer HJC has probably got its finger on the spot because it's just released this Black Panther lid that, we understand, has got something to do with some super-powered Marvel comics bloke who prowls around like a cat snarling and biting people or something.


S'okay with us, mind. Ya gotta eat. And so has HJC. The firm calls this lid the RPHA 70. Apparently, that's got something to do with another similarly named helmet from the selfsame manufacturer.


"Engineered to within an inch of its life," [we did not make that up - Ed], this lid is super high tech featuring all the latest buzz words and techniques and carbon materials. And it bloody ought to be because the recommended retail price is £550, all but a penny.


So if you're the night prowling, cat-like, "dark and mystic" type [we didn't make that up, either - Ed], this could be the brain bucket for you. If you need more details, talk to your nearest HJC helmet supplier or contact Oxford Products, but don't come crying to us if you develop super powers and end up swinging around lamp posts.


The things they do these days to sell you a crash helmet, huh?





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