BSA M20 metal wall signVal Page | M21 | Sidevalve | WM20 | 496cc | 591cc | Birmingham Small Arms
Size: 300mm x 400mm
Instructions for use:
1. Remove carefully from the packaging. 2. Inspect the sign and feel pleased that you bought it. 3. Find a suitable spot on a suitable wall or door. 4. Position the sign thoughtfully using strips of masking tape if necessary. 5. Carefully mount the sign with nails or screws taking utmost care not to damage any part of the design (Tip: Use fibre washers both in front and behind the sign if you're the particular type or have an obsessive-compulsive tendency). 6. Open a beer, light a fag, hug your partner or favourite pet. 7. Stand back and enjoy the sign and do this as often as time and convenience allows. 8. Drop us an email to let us know how satisfied you are. 9. Wipe the sign occasionally with a soft cloth (and wax it if you're the particular type or have an obsessive-compulsive tendency). 10. Tell your friends.
That's all that's required. The sign should still be fit for purpose long after you're gone, and we hope that's a long time into the future.
What do customers say?
So had to have the sign. Glad I did. Ta very much."
"Great sign. Received as a 50th birthday
"Good enough for me."
"Nice tin sign. Better than I expected. Am happy to recommend if requested."
More classic metal motorcycle signs from Sump...
IT'S GOTTA BE RIGHT We only sell signs that we hang on our own walls. If you have a problem with anything you buy from Sump, tell us and we'll sort it out. Pronto. No fuss. No arguments. Classic bike wall These are the first metal motorcycle signs designed right here at Sump. You won't find them on sale anywhere else (unless someone is pirating them, in which case, there will be trouble). We've wanted to produce something specifically for the 496cc BSA M20, one of which takes pride of place in our garage (and, like us, needs to get out more). Most of the metal motorcycle signs on the market are distinctly retro (i.e. based on old advertising literature). But with these signs, we decided to give retro the heave-ho and produce something new, albeit with an old image. Hence no fakey flakey paint, no rust stains and no scabby edges (except for those that the postman might bring you). Not that we've got anything against that kind of style. It has its place. But in this instance, we just wanted something new and pristine and, above all else, original. If you're not familiar with the 496cc BSA M20 (and its big brother, the 591cc M21) you might want to check out our BSA M20 buyers guide (and that's our M20 at the top of that page). These are great single cylinder sidevalves. They were designed by Val Page way back in 1937, and he's worth a metal sign of his own (hey, there's an idea; designer signs...). You ain't ever going to get very far very fast on an M20, but as it says on the sign: It's not just the bike. It's the journey. And yes, we borrowed that slogan from one of our T-shirts.
Owning a BSA M20
But you don't have to own an M20 to enjoy this garage tin sign. However, your life will be a lot more interesting if you buy a BSA flathead and get to know it. The bike on the sign, by the way, is the first-of-type M20. It's the granddaddy of them all and has numerous engine design differences that are not interchangeable with later models. But whichever M20 or M21 you opt for, you'll have much the same thing going for you, which is old-world charm and a chance to see how much fun you can have when you live your life in a slower lane.
The size of our BSA M20 signs is a generous 300mm x 400mm, which is roughly the size of two A4 sheets of paper. The image is high-resolution and printed on heavy duty mild steel. The signs are drilled ready-to-hang. Also, these Sump-designed metal plaques are printed direct to metal in the traditional way, and they're made right here in the UK. Will you like it when you see it? We think so. If we didn't, we wouldn't be flogging 'em. We package these signs as well as we reasonably can, and we despatch as soon as possible (usually within 24 hours of ordering, and very rarely longer than 2-3 days if stock has run out and needs to be re-supplied. Either way, we'll keep you posted. And if for any reason we can't supply your sign, we'll tell you without unnecessary delay and will refund your money in full. And remember this if you will:
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Copyright Sump Publishing 2015