
HJC Captain America helmet

30th June 2019


£499 | Aramid and carbon composite


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So okay, it doesn't look exactly like Captain America's famous headwear. But this is reality, not a comic strip, and in the real motorcycle world you need real world protection for your noggin.




And why the hell shouldn't HJC cash-in on Captain America popularity? He's still a pretty hot ticket, and we're all super heroes on our bikes, and you've got to keep the money moving.


This redesigned lid is called the RPHA 11. Catchy. Not. That aside, it retails for £499. It's available now. The features include:

P.I.M. Plus shell construction comprised of carbon fibre, aramid and carbon-glass hybrid fibre provide enhanced shock-resistant performance, much comfort and lightness of helmet

Precision top vent control

Aerodynamic Top Vent

New forehead vent

Enlarged view port

Multi-point shield locking system

Redesigned side-intake vents

Multi cool interior with advanced anti-bacteria fabric and enhanced moisture wicking for quick drying and comfort

Helmet comes with two visors, one clear and one light smoke and an anti-fog lens

Size guide: XXS (52-53cm), XS (54-55cm), S (55-56cm), M (57-58cm), L (58-59cm), XL (60-61cm), XXL (62-63cm)

Replacement visor fitment code: HJ-26


All this information, note, comes straight from Oxford Products which continues distributing the lid to UK motorcycle gear dealers. We haven't tried the helmet, but we haven't any doubt that at this price it does exactly what it's supposed to do and gives you the kind of protection for the money that you'd expect.


On a more serious note—and if you'll pardon the pun—any quality modern helmet really is a marvel of product design and engineering. It largely comes down to brand loyalty and eye appeal. So if you like the Captain America style and graphics, and if the price is acceptable, make your play.


Where to buy? Talk to your local dealer first, but if you have trouble tracking one down, talk to Oxford Products.



See also: How to choose and buy a motorcycle crash helmet






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